Seniors have specific needs in order to stay
healthy. As people get older, they
generally develop greater health needs, have a less efficient immune system,
and become more fragile in structure. Due to their specialized needs, it is
especially important for senior citizens to maintain an adequate supply of
vitamins in their diets.
Calcium is a very important part of nutrition,
especially in senior citizens. When a person reaches the age of seventy, their
bones can become quite brittle. To help combat this, calcium supplements can be
taken. Few people realize that an adequate amount of calcium is not in the diet
of the average person. In the human
body, two percent of the body’s weight is actually made up of calcium, almost
all of which is found in the teeth and bones.
A calcium supplement should be a part of the daily
routine for the elderly, especially with women who are prone to osteoporosis, a
word which literally translates to “porous bones”. Each year, about twenty percent of the body’s
calcium is destroyed and replenished through food and supplements. A person
stands to lose a good deal of their bone health pretty quickly if they are not
sufficiently taking in the calcium they need regularly.
While calcium is necessary and should not be
ignored, it is not a good idea to take more of it than recommended. Anything
above the required amount of calcium has no additional benefits to the body.
When the recommended amount has doubled it actually can have side effects and
can cause sickness.
Due to declining bone health in most elderly
people, it is important to always take a calcium supplement and maintain an
adequate supply of calcium in the body to help prevent brittle bone disease and
broken bones due to falls. It is also quite important to take a daily fiber
supplement because it is unusual for an elderly person to ingest all of the
necessary fiber that is needed to keep one healthy simply from diet alone.
Because the elderly are less likely to be exposed to prolonged sunshine, a Vitamin D supplement is also recommended,
especially since it can also help with bone density and bone strength. In fact,
the required amount of Vitamin D is greater in an elderly person than a person
of a younger age.
Folate and Vitamin B-12 are vitamins that are also
greatly recommended for seniors. These will aid in both digestion and proper
skin health. Luckily, most multivitamins that are designed for seniors aim
their content directly to what most seniors are said to need. Shopping for
vitamins based upon who will be taking them is a fairly simple and fool proof
method of deciding how much of each vitamin and mineral is needed for that
individual person. Of course, consulting a doctor on which multivitamin or
single vitamin is best for a particular person can give one a better insight on
what is perfectly right for them.
I know plenty of seniors looking for answers to their nutritional needs. If you are looking for which supplements you need, contact us today so we can show you the best supplements for your particular needs.
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