Chiropractic care under a trained professional can even be used to prevent injuries and help you achieve total health and wellness. Dr. Vala believes in a patient centered, evidence based, holistic health care in which a team of multidisciplinary practitioners look after a patients overall health. Founder Dr. Melissa Windsor offers both chiropractic and nutritional consultations, with a focus on both acute and wellness care. Dr. Coster is dedicated to helping the community achieve optimal health and wellness through chiropractic care. The process is cost-effective, enjoyable, and can have a permanent effect in as little as 30 minutes. Dr. Lisa is committed to empowering families to reaching their fullest health and wellness potential.
Massage Therapy treatments will involve a brief history and examination to ascertain a diagnosis and plan of management followed by the hands on treatment. A typical consult will involve taking a comprehensive medical history, conducting a thorough physical examination, ruling out red flags, suggesting a diagnosis, and administering treatment after obtaining informed consent. During your treatment sessions, your McTimoney Chiropractor will advise and inform you about the treatments that will best address your condition, and to also on how to manage it in the future. Diagnosis can be obtained through laboratory tests, physical examination, and medical history of the patient. Dr. Matt Buffan focuses on the diagnosis, conservative management and rehabilitative treatment of athletic, repetitive or overuse injuries. Chiropractic management always starts with taking a thorough history and a biomechanical and orthopaedic physical examination to obtain an accurate diagnosis of the source of pain and importantly identify the underlying reasons for why the injury or problem occurred.
Chiropractic has been proven to be a safe and effective therapy for elbow pain that promotes healing and restores strength without surgery or medication. Chiropractic seeks to correct the cause of pain, not simply mask its symptoms, through non-invasive, conservative and natural care. Chiropractic care can be reimbursed or directly billed by Private Insurance, Motor Vehicle Insurance, Workers Compensation, and most commercial health care policies. Chiropractic has been shown to be effective for acute and chronic low back pain, neck pain, and headaches. Chiropractic care can be helpful for a wide range of conditions that include lower back pain, headaches, shoulder pain, and other types of musculoskeletal pain. A local chiropractic clinic to help you with your back pain, work injury, or neck pain.
Registered Massage therapists use their knowledge of anatomy and physiology to determine the best treatment for you. A regulatory body is currently being established, The College of Psychotherapists and Registered Mental Health Therapists. A quality mattress will help support the body and its nightly efforts to recover, repair and regenerate. Once you and your entire body become relaxed by massage, adjustment and alignment are made easier. Though the benefits from both massage and chiropractic may overlap somewhat, the two therapies are distinctly different.

Chiropractic adjustments and proper posture can help relieve the stress and pressure on your nerves and joints. When the vertebral segments become injured, fixated, or malaligned, soft tissues become irritated, adjacent muscles often tighten, and nerves can be irritated and their function impaired. The joint where the nerves pass through, gets affected from the damage RSI has caused to the muscles and tendons, and the nerves that run through them. Stress can be physical, emotional, or chemical, and most likely a toxic combination of all three.
Potential side effects and complications have been associated with spinal manipulation and have been identified in scientific literature. Although sometimes necessary, the use of prescription drugs can have undesirable, unknown, or dangerous side effects. Written records from the ancient Greek and Chinese civilizations, dating back several thousand years, refer to spinal manipulation. Spinal manipulation has been practiced for thousands of years, and modern chiropractic care is more than a century old.